Wiki Le Monde Incroyable de Gumball

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/* Tabs statiques */

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/* Profil utilisateur */
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/* Galeries et images */
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/* Modifications récentes */
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/* Diff */
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/* Modules */

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/* "See more activity" */

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.seemoreactivity-diff-link:hover {
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/* Couleurs de liens utilisateur */
a[href$="/Normalhuman"] {
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a[href$="/RJSP"] {
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a[href$="/Normalbot"] {
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/* Tag admins */
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.Wall .edited-by > a.subtle[href=""]:after,
.speech-bubble-message .edited-by > a[href=""]:after,
body .edited-by > a.subtle[href=""]:after,
.Wall .edited-by > a.subtle[href=""]:after,
.speech-bubble-message .edited-by > a[href=""]:after,
body .edited-by > a.subtle[href=""]:after,
.Wall .edited-by > a.subtle[href=""]:after,
.speech-bubble-message .edited-by > a[href=""]:after {
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